The Sidney Heitman Germans from Russia Collection

Colorado State University


Fort Collins CO 80523

Finding Aids

Sidney Heitman, ed., German Russians in Colorado (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1978).

Online finding aid available:


A number of online digital projects have taken on the challenge of documenting the experiences of immigrants and this particular website deals with this very subject quite nicely. Through the use of primary documents and detailed oral histories, this website illustrates the experiences of Germans from Russia who immigrated to Colorado in the 19th and 20th centuries. Drawing on work done by Professor Heitman at Colorado State University in the 1970s, visitors to the site can examine transcripts and listen to audio excerpts of interviews of these immigrants (and their descendants). They may also wish to view the online photo gallery which contains images of agriculture work, German-inspired architecture, and home life. Finally, visitors can use a search engine offered here to look for specific materials, if they wish to do so.

This research center has a collection of materials, both published and unpublished, pertaining to the Germans from Russia (sometimes erroneously called the "Volga Germans"). Unpublished materials include statistical data; a small amount of correspondence; and taped and transcribed oral interviews of Germans who emigrated from Russia. These interviews relate in part to conditions in Russia and to reasons for emigrating to the United States. A new and growing component of the collection consists of statistical and documentary material pertaining to the history of the German Russians under Soviet rule.