Papers, 1793–1886, 148 items. (G. W. Campbell-Percy Brown, the donor) Includes negative photostatic copies of 115 letters to and from George Washington Campbell, some of which relate to his service as minister to Russia. Correspondents include J. J. Astor, 1819, and A. Gallatin. (Acc. 20799)
Virginia Colonial Records Project
Microfilm. Project continues in progress. Includes scattered petitions, memorials, etc., ca. 1681–1782, generally relating to the Muscovy tobacco trade. Originals are in various British and French manuscript repositories. The entire collection is available on microfilm at the Virginia State Library, the University of Virginia (Alderman Library) in Charlottesville, the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond, and the Research Department of Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg. In addition, the Virginia State Library and the University of Virginia make the microfilm available through interlibrary loan. Unpublished finding aids.