Papers, 1807–31, 109 items. South Carolina political figure and diplomat. Includes personal letter, 20 February 1807, Poinsett wrote from St. Petersburg while traveling in Russia, typed copy. Original is in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. (NUCMC 70–1928).
Mary Emma English
Bibliographies, 1905–1906, 1 vol. Typescript includes a bibliography on the Russo-Japanese War.
Sam Taliaferro Rayburn (1882-1961)
Papers, (1822, 1831, 1845, 1903-2007), 119 ft., 3 in. U.S. congressman, 1913–61, and speaker of the House of Representatives. Files with Speaker Rayburn's correspondence with his constituents, copies of his speeches, and papers relating to legislation, politics, national and international affairs. Particularly for the years of the Eisenhower administration, 1953–61, there are materials that concern the Soviet Union. For example, there are letters from President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, and Soviet Prime Minister Nikita S. Khrushchev to Rayburn about the proposed summit conferences of spring 1960. A recently prepared biographical compilation of excerpts from Speaker Rayburn's letters, interviews, and speeches (Speak, Mister Speaker) may serve as a finding aid. (NUCMC 66-1344 and 74-965). Finding aid available: