Materials and documents on 1917: Minutes of the fourth duma session; manuscripts of works by Kerensky; materials on Rodzianko, Victor Chernov and the Socialist Revolutionary Party, Nicholas II, Lenin, the Russian economy before October 1917, the army 1917, Kornilov, the German Foreign Office, etc.
Materials, mss. and documents on earliest years through 1912: Manuscripts and English translations of works by Kerensky; materials on the Russo-Japanese War, Osvobozhdenie, Witte, terror organizations, etc.
A. Kerensky's manuscripts, articles, and personal files: Kerensky's personal file "pro sebia"; file on "ideology"; manuscripts, letters to editors, clippings.
Photographs, tapes, newspaper clippings: Photographs of Kerensky family and relatives (including Kerensky's father); transcripts of tapes; 2 records of Kerensky speaking Russian; clippings, including of reviews of Russia and History's Turning Point.
Correspondence (mostly 1931–68): correspondents include M. Aldanov (Landau), Nina Berberova, Robert Browder, Doudoroffs, Fomichev, Frumkins, Helene Izwolsky, Juri Jelagin, Michael Karpovich, Dr. Kiffa and Brandt, Kirshner, Kurganoff, E. Lyons, V. Maklakov, S. Maximov, W. Nowikoff, Ter Pogossian, S. Soloveitchik, Frank and Victor Sosskices (?), B. Souvarine, Vladas Stanka (Stankevic), Sergei Vassiliev, M. Vishniak, Voronovich, Wyrouboff, V. Zenzinov.
Correspondence (miscellaneous): A miscellaneous folder with assorted correspondence of interest, e.g., Robert Bruce Lockhart, Suzanne La Follette, Herbert Hoover, George V. Ivanoff, Odoevskaya, Krukoff-Angorsky, Struve, Vol'skii, Vladimir Nabokov, Roudneff, Weinbaum, Zetlin, Benensen, Deriugina, Laurent, Strumsky, Keating, Fedotoff, Cheremetieff, Stepun, Sidney Hook, Max Eastman, David Shub; other materials. Correspondence, university lectures; invitations to speak, write; course and outlines.
Family correspondence and mss.: Letters to and from Gleb, Oleg, and Mrs. Therese Kerensky; excerpts from memoirs by Mrs. Olga Lvovna Kerensky; poems and short stories by Mrs. Nelle (?) Kerensky; unpublished, 283 pp., ms. by Gleb Kerensky, "Only One Freedom."
Kerensky's personal business correspondence: Income taxes, bank statements, cancelled checks, appointment books, contract and correspondence with Duell, Sloane & Pearce and Meredith Press.
Political organizational work among emigres: Correspondence and other materials regarding Narodnoe dvizhenie, Coordinating Centre of Anti-Communist Action, League for Free Russia, Union for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, American Committee, The Russian People's Movement. Correspondents include Kurganov, Voronovich, Abramowitch, Fedotoff, Roman Goul, Michael Karpovich, Konstantinovsky, Boris Nikolaevskii, Vishniak, Zenzinov, and others.
On displaced persons and emigres: Correspondence regarding DPs, 1947–1953, and Russian emigres of Jewish origins.
Depositions, testimonials, and unusual documents not subject to classification: Persons mentioned in these documents include Stalin, Boris P. Doudoroff, V. Emoukhvari, Jacob F. Frumkin, Iliodor, Anna Vyroubova (?), M. Iordanskii, Dr. L. Kaschtanoff, Georg Kossatsch, E. D. Kuskova, A. R. Lednicki, Lokhvitskii, Maklakov, Martianoff, Merezhkovsky, Somerset Maugham, Anna L. Podozerov (?), M. Terestchenko, Illja Trotzky, Sergius A. Vassiliev, Bertram D. Wolfe, B. Wyrouboff, Ivan Bunin, Victor Chernov, and others.
Memorabilia: Alien registration card, Christmas cards, other items.
Emigre publications: Issues of Novaia Rossiia, Za Svobodu, Borba, Golos Naroda, Biulleten', Dni, Posledniia Novosti.
Kerensky's personal diary, handwritten, in Russian, 1941–42 and 1959–61, is also in the collection. Unpublished finding aid, compiled by Elena Ivanova, on which this description is based.