Anastase [Anastasii] Vonsiatsky [Vonsiatskii] and Marion Ream
Papers, 1861-1970. 12 box(es). The collection of Anastase Andreivich [Andreevich] Vonsiatsky, self-appointed leader of a Russian fascist group which operated in America, and his wife Marion Buckingham Ream, heiress to the Norman Bruce Ream fortune, consists of their personal correspondence, books, newspapers, legal documents, pamphlets, photographs, phonograph records, and printing blocks. Finding aid available:
Louis Budenz (1891-1972)
Papers, 1953–72, 9,500 items. Editor of The Daily Worker in the 1930s and anti-communist crusader in the 1950s-1960s. As an authority on Russian (and Chinese) communism, he lectured and wrote extensively on the threat of world communism. Correspondence concerns primarily American communism; among his correspondents was Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. Unpublished register (NUCMC 71–404).
Nazi Bund
Records, 1930s, 300 items. White Russian Fascist Movement organization composed of Russian emigres in the United States. Includes publications The Fascist, 1933–69, and Gentiles Review, 1923–24, personal correspondence of Anastase Andreivich Vonsiatsky, and memorabilia.
William Henry Chamberlin (1897-1969)
Papers, 1912–69, 120 items and 40 diaries on 4 microfilm reels. Foreign correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor in Russia and author of the classic The Russian Revolution, 1917–1921, 2 vols. (1935), plus other studies of the Soviet Union and its economy. Diaries, 1913–19, 1940–69; notebooks on world events, 1949–65; and personal correspondence, 1940–69. These items contain many references to Russian communist affairs, policy, and leaders. Information on family finances in the diaries cannot be used. (NUCMC 71–405)