Finding Aids : William M. Brinner, Sutro Library Hebraica: A Handlist (1966); George T. Dennis, "An Inventory of Italian Notarial Documents in the Sutro Library, San Francisco," Manuscripta, Vol. IX (1965).
Resources (2)
Italian Renaissance Mss.
Ms. 166, dated Venice 13 January 1426, in Latin, is a sale of a Russian slave named Maria by Ser Luigi Loredan, son of the late Giovanni, to Ser Gabriele Barbarigo, son of the late Antonio. There is also a referenee to "a slave named Maria" in Ms. 124.
Sutro Library Hebraica
Ca. 167 items. Medieval religious works, mostly of Yemenite provenance. Ms. 163, Matityahu ben Samuel Kohen Mizrahi, "Kol mevaser," ca..1830, 120 11., contains some incidental information on the Jewish communities of Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, and Persia which the author visited on his way to Palestine.