Correspondence and reports of missionaries to Russia, 1884-1929, sent to the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society
2 folders, 1884–95; 3 folders, 1900–19; and 5 folders, 1920–29. Many letters are requests for financial assistance from missionaries in various parts of Russia; they contain vivid descriptions of the difficulties confronting the missionaries, including inflation, illness, family stress, and political persecution. The final item in the collection, 1929, describes the acute political repression of the day and includes a list of missionaries who had been imprisoned or had become "insane." The list of missionaries represented by correspondence: V. Pavloff, Sembal Bagdasarianz, Patvacan Tarainz, Herman Fast, A. R. Schiewe, F. Kiefer, Joh. Kepley, Julius Herrmann, M. Kerhe, J. Wolff, J. Blumberg, P. Marnowrky (?), Fried. Wirk, Robert Bahtz, J. Kessler, S. Lehmann (Lemann), Friedrich Brauer, W. Fetler (Wilhelm), and I. S. Prokhanoff. Most of the letters are handwritten in English. The material is available on microfilm through inter-library loan. Unpublished finding aid. Advance notice requested.