Restriction: Researchers should make an appointment a few days in advance.
Resources (3)
Anatoly Dobrynin
Soviet ambassador to the U.S., and R. Meader, Shaker Museum director. 3 letters, exchanged between them, January–June 1969. Meader suggests that C. T. Chatfield (see preceding) confused the Shakers' own peace convention of 1905 (held at New Lebanon Shaker Village) for a preconference to the Portsmouth Peace Conference of 1905.
C. T. Chatfield and C. Lambert Heyniger
Headmaster of Darrow School. 3 letters, written 1949–59, in which Chatfield asserts that preliminary to the Russo-Japanese Peace Conference held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1905, there was a peace conference involving the belligerents held at New Lebanon Shaker Village.
Garden Diary (Mt. Lebanon, New York)
Entry for December 1882 mentions a Shaker teaching English to young Russian believers.