Note: There is much more film material relating to the USSR in the UN scattered in various holdings of the library which could not be detailed in this entry.
Restrictions: Inquire at the library.
Resources (1)
Film, 1946–47, 6 reels. In the winter of 1946–47, the Ukrainian mission of the UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration arranged for Julian Bryan and Peter Hopkinson to make a newsreel film to publicize the mission's activities. More than 16 reels of motion picture film resulted. Edited and condensed, selections appeared as The March of Time newsreel "The Russia Nobody Knows" (released in May 1947). Not all the original footage shot is in the Visual Materials Library. Covers the Ukraine, Dniepr River, a collective farm, Byelorussia, Minsk, Kiev, and Odessa. (Roll nos. 2–15 to 2–20)