Hold works by the following artists: Alexander Archipenko. 4 sculptures and 1 gouache. Saul Baizermann. 2 sculptures. Ilya Bolotowsky. 4 paintings and 1 gouache. Marc Chagall. 8 paintings and 12 works on paper (including 3 prints). Ilja G. Chashnik. 2 drawings (watercolors). Naum Gabo. 8 sculptures. N. Goncharova. 1 painting. Wassily Kandinsky. 69 paintings, 52 drawings (watercolors), 12 prints, and 1 book. Alexander Liberman. 1 sculpture, 1 painting, and 1 print. Jacques Lipchitz. 2 sculptures. El Lissitsky. 1 drawing (watercolor) and 2 portfolios of prints. Kasimir Malewitch. 1 painting. Antoine Pevsner. 2 sculptures. Alexander Rodchenko. 4 zinc plates. Mark Rothko. 1 painting. Vera Stravinsky. 1 painting. Adja Yunkers. 2 paintings.