Dictionary Catalog of the Prints Division, 5 vols. (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1975).
Restriction: Inquire about application for access.
Resources (37)
Many of the preceding items are signed by the artists. In addition, for individual artists, the division holds clipping files (in envelopes) with such materials as exhibition announcements, dealers' catalogues, reviews, reproductions, and some letters (from or about the artists). Among those for whom there are such files are: A. Archipenko, Ya. Hnizdovsky, V. Jonynas, A. Kaplan, M. Kogan, N. Mosolov, N. Nagorsky, A. Orlowski, Yu. Solovii, C Vereysky, A. Vihalemm, E. Wiiralt, and O. Zadkine.
The Prints Division holds original prints and drawings by artists born in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, and clipping files (by artist), separate descriptions for which follow. Original graphic material includes:
Alexander (Aleksandr Ossipowitsch) Orlowski (1777-1832)
12 lithographs: battle between Asiatic horsemen and fighters on foot (1829), "Un Voyageur en Quibitka, ou Traineau a trois Chevaux" (1819), 2-horse sleigh with driver and officer passing a sentinel (1820), more Asiatic horsemen (1816), a bust-length selfportrait with oval frame (1820), and 6 pieces from Collection de Dessins Lithographies (1819) in original printed wrapper with Orlowski's signature in ink.
Alexander Archipenko (1887-1964)
Lithographs: portfolio entitled Dreizehn Steinzeichnungen (Berlin, 1921), no. 59 of 60 printed, with artist's autograph (1 1., 13 plates); and "Figiirliche Komposition."
Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan (b. 1902)
2 lithographs: "The Village of Anatovka" (1961) and "Man of Air" (1957/61).
Arno Vihalemm (b. 1911)
Estonian. 2 woodcuts: "Homage to Rilke" (1955) and "Keerub" (Cherub; 1954); 1 lithograph—"Lilith" (1955); and 4 serigraphs in black—illustrations to the short stories of Jaan Oks (1956).
Russian cartoons from the Napoleonic era; a few items. (Caricatures arranged chronologically by country)
Eduard Ruga
2 linoleum cuts: "Woman with the mirror" (1952) and "Tiidruk lindudega" (Girl with the birds; 1953), both in color.
Eduard Wiiralt (1898-1954)
Estonian. "Arkeia"—a 1938 drypoint; "Berber Girl and Dromedary," etching from 1940; and 2 wood engravings: "Head of a Negro" and "The Absinthe Drinkers" from 1933.
Eugene I. Charushin (b. 1901)
Lithograph: "Crow" (1938), in color.
Gabriel Skorodumov (1748-1792)
George Sviatoslav Hordynsky (b. 1906)
Ukrainian. 2 woodcut covers for the women's magazine Nova Khata, 1935–37, and a bookplate for R. G. Berezovsky.
Georgi Vereysky (Georgii Semionovich Vereiski)
2 lithographs, both 1922: "Portrait of the painter Constantin Somoff" and "Constantin Somoff at work before easel."
Halyna Mazepa (20th c)
Ukrainian. Cover for the women's magazine Nova Khata, 1934 (woodcut?).
Ivan Padalka (1895-1961)
Ukrainian. Woodcut (photostat?) of Cossacks.
K. A. Klementeva (b. 1897)
A lithograph entitled "Funeral Procession of S. M. Kirov, Dec 3, 1934" (1934).
Karin Luts-Arumaa
Lithographs: Portrait of Gustav Suits, Estonian poet and literary historian (1943), and 3 illustrations for the poems of Betti Alver "Art and Life," 1944.
Moissey Kogan
5 linoleum cuts: "Tanzende in langem Gewand" (1922); 2 kneeling figures, "Thais," Greek deity with deer, and 2 standing nudes, all 192-?
Original drawings: 2 illustrations for "The Steel Flea..." of Nikolai Leskov, in pencil, unsigned (1943); and 2 illustrations to the Wonder Book by Nathaniel Hawthorne, in pencil, not signed (1949).
Mykola Butovych (1895-1961; Ukrainian)
2 woodcuts (?): cover for the women's magazine Nova Khata (1932, no. 5) and bookplate for M. Khomyn, M.D.
Myron Levytsky (b. 1913)
Ukrainian. 5 bookplates (woodcuts)—for M. Denysiuk, Tetyana Mohylnytska, M. K. Levytska, Ilse Fumanelli, and O. Mokh.
N. N. Nagorsky
Wood engravings: "Ex Libris Eremina" (1923), and 2 theatrical designs (1924).
Nataliya Sergeyevna Goncharova (1881-1962)
Portfolio of 14 lithographs—Misticheskiye Obrazy Voiny (V. N. Kasin, Moscow, 1914), with yellow board cover and title page. Subjects include Saints George the Victorious and Alexander Nevskii, The White Eagle, The English Lion, The French Rooster, Angels and Airplanes, The Condemned City, Archangel Michael, Christian Soldiers, The Pale Horse, and Mass Grave.
Nick Bervinchak (20th c.; Ukrainian)
2 etchings: "Employed" (1940) and "Reflections" (1940).
Nikolai Semionovich Mosolov (1846-1914)
Ossip Zadkine (1890-1967)
Woodcut figures; and 3 lithographs: "Le Reve" (1955), "Trois Personnages" (195-?), and "Les Rois Mages" (1952 or 1953), all in color.
Peter (Pio'tr) N. Staronosov (b. 1893)
Wood engraving (linoleum block print) entitled "Airplane over the Taiga forest, Siberia" (1938), in color.
Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811)
Flora Rossica, n.p., 18th c. 104 original drawings in pencil, ink, and wash, 74 colored, by Karl Friedrich Knappe, and 3 related items.
Collection of 200 lithographed picture sheets, 33 printed by A. A. Abramov, 21 by I. G. Gavrilov, 31 by I. A. Golyshev of Mstera, 32 by P. A. Glushkov, 26 by A. V. Morozov, and 52 by Ye. Ya. Yakovlev.
Russkii narodnii lubok 1870-ky—1880-kh gg.; al'bom (Binder's title: Les images nationales de Sitin et Co.)
Collection of 62 lithographed picture sheets colored by hand: 41 printed by V. A. Vasil'yev, 12 by A. V. Morozov, and 9 by V. V. Ponomariov.
Sergei Zalshupin
10 lineoleum cuts: portraits of Aleksandr Blok and Andrei Belyi (both 1922); street scene (192-?), signed "Salschupin"; and illustrations for Belyi's St. Petersburg (192-?).
Ukrainian. 2 etchings: of a steeple in the Carpathian Mountains and of a wooden church
Same locale, both 1946.
Stipple engraving—"Susanna at the bath"—printed in sanguine.
Vasilii Vasil'yevich Kandinski (1866-1944)
3 etchings from "Kleine Welten" in 1922 ("Compositions IX, X, and XI"), 4 woodcuts ("Composition VIII" from "Kleine Welten"—1922; "The Archer" from 1908/1909, in color; a 1913 abstraction, in color; and 2 horseback riders, 1913, in color, both from "Klange"), and a lithograph entitled "Composition with Chessboard-Orange" (1923), in color.
Vytautas Kazys Jonynas (b. 1907)
Lithuanian. 1 lithograph, "Bacharach on the Rhine" (1951), in color; and 4 woodcuts: "L'Etoile de l'Amour" (1951), a Christmas scene; "The Shepherds in the Field" (1949); "Saint Antoine" (1950), artist's proof; and "Fifth Avenue, N.Y." (1957).
Yakiv (Jacques) Hnizdovsky (b. 1915)
Ukrainian. 16 woodcuts, including 10 bookplates (for Jean Thiebault, W. E. Holiyan, I. W. Manastyrsky, Ihor Kostetzky, N. and I. Ivakhniuk, Bohdan Kravtsiv, and the Ukrainian Free Academy), a book cover with scribe, 3 items from 1944 (a study of trees, an old man, and "Youth and old age"), "The Cat" (1968), and "Great Horned Owl" (1973).
Yurii Solovii (Jurij Solovij)
8 linocuts: "Pantocrator," "Princess Yaroslavna," and "Cymbal" from 1950; and "Crucifixion" (2), "Madonna and Child," "Horned Fish," and "Nude" from 1958.