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Resources (6)
Charles Poletti (b. 1903)
Oral history interview, 1978, ca. 600 pp. Allied military governor in Italy. Discusses the considerable contact with Russian officers he had in that post. They were observing American methods of military occupation to help plan their own methods after liberating Eastern Europe. There is a considerable amount of anecdotal material about Andrei Januarovich Vishinsky, one of the observers. Note: apparently the Poletti papers (NUCMC 74–295) contain no references pertinent to the USSR.
Commander Sir Robert G. A. Jackson
UNRRA Papers, 1945–48, 55 folders. Senior deputy director general of UNRRA. Reports, memoranda, etc., concerning the work of UNRRA, including missions in Byelorussia and the Ukraine. Some material involves Russian nationals who worked for UNRRA. In an oral history interview, ca. 300 pp., Sir Robert discusses his work as head of the Middle East Supply Centre and overseer of the Persian Gulf Supply Route to Russia during World War II.
Herbert H. Lehman (1878-1963)
UNRRA Papers, 1943–44, 2 drawers and 25 folders. One of the initiators of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and its first director general. Personal correspondence and general file of the director general of UNRRA. Reports, statements, speeches, and photographs. Lehman dealt with authorities in the Ukraine and Byelorussia concerning relief efforts in those areas; also with the Soviet government as UNRRA member and aid recipient. (NUCMC 74–292)
Hugh Jackson (1912-1966)
Papers, 1942–45, 28 folders. Lehman's chief assistant at the time of organization of OFRRO and its successor UNRRA. Became deputy director-general of UNRRA. Memoranda, conference reports, and (primarily) correspondence, all concerning relief efforts for war-torn nations after World War II. Information on the USSR, Balkan affairs, Poland, and other political matters. (NUCMC 74–291)
Marshall MacDuffie (1909-1967)
Papers, 1944–48, 4 folders. Lawyer and UN official. First chief of the UNRRA mission to the Ukraine. Reports, correspondence, memoranda, and a history/review of the mission's work, covering February-August 1946 (including the months he was actually in the USSR, 20 March-late June). (NUCMC 74–294)
Richard B. Scandrett, Jr. (1891-1969)
Papers, 1945–46, bound, 4 vols. Lawyer, first chief of the UNRRA mission to Byelorussia. Member of the Allied Reparations Commission, which met in Moscow in 1945. Includes reports and correspondence. (NUCMC 74–296)