The Bakhmeteff Archive has developed by means of gifts and purchases from a great many private individuals, including both persons who left Russia and also a number of Americans. The archive is open to qualified scholars in accordance with the policies of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Columbia University. A certain number of collections also have additional restrictions placed on them by their donors; these are indicated by the word "Restrictions" at the end of the collection. Interested scholars should contact the curator of the archive in advance concerning access. In addition to the listings that follow, the archive holds a great deal of Russian-related materials of an archival nature, primarily printed matter and issuances of organizations. Moreover, there are many files of rare and unusual periodicals or serials that have been omitted. It should also be emphasized that the listings that follow are based on preliminary inventories completed by the staff shortly before research for the guide in hand began. The reader is forewarned that some of the entries are incomplete.