This repository has some of the microfilms of materials in the National Archives (Washington, D.C.) that pertain to Russia/USSR. For more details, see Charles South, List of National Archives Microfilm Publications in the Regional Archives Branches (Washington: National Archives and Records Service, 1975). Original Russian-related materials in this repository that are not found in the National Archives in Washington are located in RG 36, Customs Records New England, 18th–20th c., 350 cu. ft. These records include a small percentage of materials relating to Russian-American trade, including impost books, records of goods imported and exported, inward and outward vessel manifests, and records of entrances and clearances of vessels. There may also be Russian-related materials, particularly of a commercial nature, in RG 21, Records of the United States District Courts and United States Circuit Courts, 1789–1945, ca. 7,000 cu. ft., which cover the 6 New England states.