Consists of 3,000 books, 8,000 Little Blue Books (published by E. Haldeman-Julius), 2,000 Big Blue Books, 20 ft. of correspondence, and 15 ft. of documents relating to the Haldeman-Julius publishing firm. Includes papers of Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius (1887–1941), who, with her husband Emmanuel Haldeman-Julius (1889–1951), wrote 2 novels—Dust and Violence—that were translated into Russian by Peter Ochremenko. In late 1931 Mrs. Haldeman-Julius visited the Soviet Union to collect royalties for these 2 books. There are 17 letters dating from her visit and mentioning Anatolii Vasilevich Lunacharskii, Serge Brode, Anna Pavlova, Katia Yarros, Peter Ochremenko, and Anna Louise Strong. 2 letters, from Jane Addams and Elizabeth W. Clark, are copies; the originals remain in the possession of Mrs. Sue (Haney) Haldeman-Julius, the publisher's second wife and widow. Additional materials on the first Mrs. Haldeman-Julius' contacts with Russia have been published in the Haldeman-Julius Weekly.