Balance-books, 1810–18, 8 vols. Yearly summary accounts of an anonymous speculative trader in London. "Adventures" to Europe and the East and West Indies; cargoes mainly tropical produce. Some commerce with Russia. Gives ships' names. (MS E188)
Travel-diary, 22 June-21 July 1828. Travel by an English lady through Warsaw, Smolensk, Moscow, Novgorod, and St. Petersburg. Detailed account of the sights, costume, social services, village and town life, and travel mishaps. (MS B144)
Catharine II (1729-1796)
[Manuscript collection of historical source material most likely copied for the Empress... c. 1770], text in Russian; contains "The manual of the Coronation of the Russian Grand Dukes..."; "A petition in connection with the Rebellion in May 1682"; and "Description of the new land of Siberia..." (MS E39)
Correspondence of Olga Novikova, 1862-1910
Approximately 4 ft. (1683 items). Chiefly correspondence of Novikova, a cosmopolitan Russian and unofficial lobbyist in England for the Pan-Slavic cause who divided her time between Russia, continental spas and capitals, and England, where she established a political-literary-scientific-theological-diplomatic-social salon frequented by influential persons throughout Europe; together with poems, photos, calling cards, and other material. Topics include Russian, Austrian, Balkan, German, and French politics; political theory; political gossip; international relations; theology; political theology, especially as concerns the Old Catholics and the position of Jews; philosophy; philosophy of science, of education, and of religion; natural history; medicine; publishing; theater; life of the international intellectual community; daily life in Great Britain (1867-1896), at the Russian court (1862-1864), in Estonia (1868-1887), Belgium (1875-1889), Paris, France (1886-1906), and India (1866-1872); and gossip about frequenters of European courts, capitals, spas, resorts, and embassies. Correspondents include Gyula Andrássy, Friedrich Berdinand von Beuse, Henry Campbell-Bannerman, George William Frederick Villiers, Earl of Clarendon, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, Edward Augustus Freeman, James Anthony Froude, W.E. Gladstone, Alexander Keyserling, Alexander William Kinglake, Emile de Laveleye, Alfred Comyn Lyall, Francis Napier, and Max Simon Nordau. Finding aid available:
Frederick Lawless (b. 1847)
[Album of travel photos and letters] from Ireland and abroad, including Russia, 1878–1920, ca. 53 photos and 9 letters mounted in album; also, clippings. (MS G20)
George Strachey (1828-1912)
Letter, 25 May 1855, concerning maps of Russia and the Aral Sea, and Mr. Arrowsmith. (Strachey at the Foreign Office?) (MS P302)
Graziani-Commendone Collection
Includes: (a) document in Lithuanian court Russian, issued by Zygmunt II Augustus (1565?); and (b) document in Lithuanian court Russian issued by Zygmunt II Augustus, 1569. (MS 62:V:1 and 62:V:2, respectively).
Hugh O'Hagan (fl. 1840–1860)
Correspondence, 1854–55, 33 items. Ship's surgeon. Letters written to his wife Nannie in Ireland, from the Crimean War, on board HMS Firebrand in the Black Sea and at Malta. Copies (by Nannie) in a scrapbook, which also contains maps, material relating to Captain Hyde Parker (1826–1854), and Crimean War clippings. (MS E118)
Joannes Chrysostomus (d. 407)
Saint, patriarch of Constantinople. Extracts from the works, in Russian, with some other works, Russia, 16th–17th c. (MS C38)
Memoire sur la cour de Russie et l'Etat russe. Moscow?
Ca. 1746, 84 pp., paper. Report by an unidentified French diplomat on the persons at the Russian court and on conditions in Russia; probably unpublished. (MS C9)
Nikolai Mikhailovitch Karamzin (1766-1826)
Historian, writer, and political theorist. [Extracts from Karamzin's History of the Russian State and from other Russian historians, forming a short history of Russia, 862–1895. Russia?, 1895?], in Russian. (MS C156)
Orthodox Eastern Church, Russian. Liturgy and ritual. Church Slavic
Manuscript in Church Slavic, title page wanting, n.d. (MS A22)
Papers relating to the forces and intended operations in Russia, received from a Merchant connected with Riga
Riga, 17 September 1812, 7 pp. and docketing, 3 pieces. In English. Deployment of Napoleonic and Russian troops in the Baltic and Byelorussian areas in August and September. Probably a report by a secret agent for the British government. (MS P448)
Porter Family
Papers, 1794–1842, ca. 9 ft. English literary family. Includes correspondence of Sir Robert Ker Porter (1777–1842), who became historical painter to Alexander I in 1804 and married Princess Mary Scherbatoff in 1811. He was later British consul in Venezuela but returned to St. Petersburg, where he died. Among the papers: 65 ALS to his mother or sisters from England, Russia, Sweden, and Spain, 1794–1830; his letter book for 1824–29, containing copies of letters to and from Count K. R. Nesselrode, Alexander I, Nicholas I, etc.; letters from his daughter, Mary, in St. Petersburg, 1829–35, and from other Russian relations; a long series of ALS and unsigned, in French, 1805–26, to him from Princess Mary Scherbatoff—love letters, as well as some of his letters to her; his autograph journal, 1824–25, covering the end of his stay in Russia, sea-journey from Cronstadt, and time in England, ca. 75 pp.; correspondence of Prince Scherbatoff and Prince Alexander Galitzin; and many letters from his sister, Jane Porter (1776–1850), the historical novelist. Unpublished index of his letters, 1825–41. Also, Jane Porter's autograph journal in St. Petersburg, for a few days in March-April 1842, 11 pp. Collection is uncatalogued.
Poyer? Journal of travels on the Continent, including the Baltic coast (Rostock-Riga) in 1800-1801
Detailed descriptions of towns, social life, views, travel anecdotes; some interest in grain trade. (MS B126)
Russia Company
Collection, ca. 1696–98, 17 items. Petitions, etc., concerning the parliamentary actions against the company. From the North papers. (MS 104)
Sir Paul Vinogradoff (1854-1925)
Russian-British historian. Istoriia srednikh viekov. Lektsii prof. P. G. Vinogradova. Kurs 1901–1902 g.g. (Moscow, B. Rikhter, 1901); lithographed typescript of part of his lecture notes while at the University of Moscow, on the Middle Ages. First 56 pp. heavily corrected in pencil by Vinogradoff. (MS P418A:1)
Solovetsky Monastery
Perepis'naia kniga (Solovki Island, Solovetsky monastery, after 1703, 180 folio pages), on paper. Cartulary of 38 documents. (MS C83)
Wasserbaue im Konigreich Galizien
Ca. 1822, 147 items. Manuscript maps (colored) of planned improvements to the waterways of Galicia. Covers the drainage basin below the NE face of the Carpathians north as far as and including the Dnestr. With statistics and history of sites 1804-ca. 1823.