Guide to the National Archives of the United States (1974) is the most complete introduction to the materials in the National Archives. For Russian-related materials, see the guide on which much of this entry is based, Elizabeth Buck, comp., Materials in the National Archives Relating to the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union (1952) [National Archives Reference Information Paper no. 41]. This guide divides Russian-related materials by subject matter and historical periods (rather than by record groups) and could be of use to a researcher looking for information on a specific topic or event. The guide, however, is quite dated, especially on the post-World War II era. Inventories, preliminary inventories, and special lists to materials in individual record groups are mentioned in Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service (revised, 1977). Microfilms of materials in the National Archives, and the publications that frequently accompany them, are listed in Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications (1974) and supplement (1979). Unpublished finding aids to various materials are frequently available at individual operating units of the National Archives.
The National Archives houses the records of the U.S. government and contains millions of paper documents, still pictures, maps, charts, and other materials. The great size of these holdings precludes a complete description of all their Russian-related materials.
All that has been done here, therefore, is to provide an overview of items pertaining to Russia/USSR among various National Archives record groups ("RG"). Some of these items may be widely scattered throughout a record group and may be difficult to locate. It is suggested, therefore, that researchers contact the National Archives operating unit in charge of specific record groups before attempting to examine the materials they contain. List of Record Groups of the National Archives and Records Service (October 1976, to be updated) lists which operating units (e.g., Diplomatic, Military) have responsibility for a given record group. Note: With a few exceptions, the total size and inclusive dates of record groups below are taken from the 1976 revised looseleaf edition of the Guide to the National Archives of the United States. These measurements and dates are, of course, subject to change and may be already outdated.
Restrictions: There are various restrictions to some of the materials cited above, especially for more recent items. For details, contact the National Archives or see the National Archives Guide (1974) cited below.
RG 15. Records of the Veterans Administration, 1773–1969, 76,197 cu. ft.
RG 17. Records of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1874–1953, 696 cu. ft.
RG 23. Records of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1806–1965, 3,238 cu. ft.
RG 81. Records of the United States International Trade Commission, 1909–68, 702 cu. ft.
RG 87. Records of the United States Secret Service, 1863–1971, 872 cu. ft.
RG 143. Records of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Navy), 1885–1946, 3,906 cu. ft.
RG 189. Records of the National Academy of Sciences, 1900–64, 65 cu. ft.
RG 203. Records of the Office of the Chief of Finance (Army), 1792–1942, 480 cu. ft.
RG 389. Records of the Office of the Provost Marshall General, 1937–56, 684 cu. ft.
RG 401. National Archives Gift Collection of Materials Pertaining to Polar Regions. 1750–1974, 967 cu. ft.