James William Fulbright (b. 1905)
Papers, 1941–60, 470 ft. U.S. senator from Arkansas, 1945–75, and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1959–75. Constituent, official, and personal correspondence, memoranda, legislative bills and other records pertaining primarily to his governmental, political, and diplomatic activities and interests. Materials on the 1946 Fulbright Act, which provided for scholarly exchanges between the U.S. and other countries, the Fulbright-Hays Act (Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Program) of the early 1960s, U.S. foreign relations and military affairs, Wisconsin Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, the U-2 Incident and Paris Summit collapse of 1960, the Voice of America, exchange programs with the Soviet bloc, U.S.-USSR relations, and diplomat Charles E. Bohlen. Unpublished finding aids include a "File Title Inventory," "Index to File Titles," "Index to Selected Correspondents," and a "Third-Party—Selected Subjects—Proper Noun—Key-Word Index."An additional accession of records, 1961–75, 650 cu. ft. of Senatorial correspondence, files, and other documents, is inaccessible until preliminary processing can be completed.