A Guide to the Manuscripts in the Eleutherian Mills Historical Library. Accessions through the year 1965 by John Beverly Riggs (Greenville, 1970).
Resources (13)
Boeing-Vertol Division
Records, in process, 65 boxes and 14 vols. Contains the administrative papers of Harry S. Pack, director of customer relations. Some Executive Department correspondence from 1965 concerns the USSR. Restriction: All manuscript materials are covered by a time seal of 25 years; access by application to the director of the library (Accession 1375)
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Miscellaneous records, Series II, 1902–52, ca. 2,600 items. Contains correspondence with foreign countries, including Russia, on patents, 1909–12 (Series II, part 3, no. 135); and materials on a process for manufacturing nitroglycerine, patented abroad (files for Russia, 1904–15)—Series II, part 2, no. 794. (Accessions 472 and 1305) (NUCMC 73–531)
Edmund N. and Donald F. Carpenter
Collection in process. Includes a letter of H. L. Scott chief of staff, U.S. War Department, to the Russian army's chief of staff during World War I, 13 October 1915; and a letter of the first secretary of the Russian embassy to C. B. Landis, 11 October 1915. Both items are on microfilm, no. M66.15; neither may be reproduced. (Accession 889)
Francois Damas Laine
2 diaries, 1814 and 1858. Includes a xerox copy of the diary of his father during his captivity in Russia in 1814. The copy cannot be reproduced. (Accession 1515)
Haldeman Family
Papers, 1801–85, ca. 7,600 items. Correspondence, business, and personal papers, chiefly of Jacob M. Haldeman (1781–1857) and his son Richard Jacobs Haldeman (1831–1886), editor, congressman, and diplomat. Papers of Richard J. Haldeman include diaries of travel in Europe, 1852–55, when he was a student at Heidelberg and Berlin, and an attache in the legations at Paris, Vienna, and St. Petersburg. (NUCMC 72–95)
Henry Francis du Pont
Collection of Winterthur Manuscripts, 1588–1926, 150,000 items. (NUCMC 60–1361). Family papers of the du Ponts, arranged in separate groups. Group 2: Papers of Pierre Samuel, du Pont de Nemours (1739–1817) and his 2 wives. 480 items. Series B: Writings, memoirs, and political papers, 1763–1817. Some items from his service as inspecteur general du commerce of France, 1779–88, including material on commercial relations with Russia. Drafts of memoranda by du Pont de Nemours, a Monsieur le Gendre, and others, one of which is entitled "Memoire sur le commerce de la France avec la Russie," ca. 1782–83?, 329 pp., with charts, tables, and an index, manuscript. Also, papers relating to the Gouvernement Provisoire of 1814, in which du Pont de Nemours was secretary general. 1 letter, 17 April 1814, from the keeper of the royal park at Mousseau to Baron de Jacken, gouverneur general de Paris, complains of the damage and destruction done to the park by the Russian Cossacks, 2 pp. (NUCMC 73–533). Group 9: Papers of Samuel Francis du Pont (1803–65) and his wife Sophie Madeleine du Pont (1810–88). 814 items. Series B: Letters to S. F. du Pont. Includes a letter from Captain Chikackoff (Chichagov?) of the Russian navy, 1858. Series E: Letters to Sophie Madeleine du Pont. Includes a news clipping entitled "A Daring Deed" which describes Lammot du Pont's part in delivering explosives to the Russians in the Crimean War (NUCMC 73–530). Group 10: Papers of Pierre Samuel du Pont (1870–1954), 1880–1954 ca. 1 million items. File 667, containing 18 items, concerns Imperial Russian government bonds, 1916–19.
Jasper E. Crane (1881-1969)
Papers, 1929–48, 26 boxes. Vice-president of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1929–46. Includes materials on foreign relations (e.g., memoranda on Russia) and letters concerning war, munitions, neutrality, and contracts' terminations, 1939–44 (Series II, part 2, nos. 1039 and 1053). (Accession 1231)
Lammot du Pont (1880-1952)
Papers, 1801–1954, 308 items. Transcripts in part. Includes correspondence of Thomas S. Grasselli and others pertaining to the role of Lammot du Pont (1831–84) in supplying gunpowder for the Crimean War. (NUCMC 73–529)
Longwood Manuscripts
Collection, Group 7, 1778–1933, 550 item,, including 199 vols. Notes and collections of Bessie Gardner du Pont, family historian and author, 1778–1933; Series A: Papers for the history of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1804–1917. Records contain copies and extracts of business letters to and from the du Pont Co. regarding the sale of powder to the Russian fleet, 1863, and concerning cancelled contracts with the Russian government for pressed powder, n.d. (In part, NUCMC 60–1370)
New York Air Brake Company Records, 1904-12
12 items. 4 items concern a Russian patent on the company's invention of the J-valve (letters patent in Russian, 1910–12). (Accession 249)
Sun Oil Company. Houdry Process Corporation Records,
In process. Contains administrative papers concerning legislation and Eugene Houdry's trip to Russia, 1938–47, 27 items; contracts and promotions concerning Russia, 1944–47, 40 items; lend-lease, 1939–43 and 1946, 100 items; and personnel training, 1942–45, 40 items. Restriction: access by application to the director of the library; the company retains right of consent for reproduction or extensive quotation for publication. (Accession 1317)
Thomas Masters (d. 1844)
Papers, ca. 1800–55, ca. 4,150 items. Merchant of Philadelphia and New York City. Business papers, mainly pre-1814, of Masters and his family and of the firms of Markoe & Masters, Masters & Markoe, and Masters, Markoe & Company. Series C, 1810–47, 215 items, includes a note on the state of commodities imported from America to Russia, indicating which were selling or in demand and which were not, St. Petersburg, 1809. This series is accession 189. (NUCMC 72–104)
Wood (Alan) Steel Company
Records, 1880, 34 items. Includes letters of Charles L. Gilpin from Russia which discuss Russian ironmaking, March-July 1880. All are on microfilm, no. M62.3. (Accession 340)